Sunday, 10 July 2016

QuickBooks releases more Functionality in the Pro/Premier 2015 Version

The new QuickBooks Support System 2015 version brings more usefulness. While there are some new elements, numerous are basically enhancements (that have been on lists of things to be done for quite a while).

Gain Business Insights with QuickBooks

While new in desktop QuickBooks, this has been a prevalent component in Online QuickBooks Support (known as QBO). This dashboard is a tab on your landing page and lets you rapidly perceive how your business is doing. To know how to make the best use of this feature, our QuickBooks Support USA Team is at your service.

Track Expenses and Income better

In case you preferred the Income Tracker, you will like the Income and Expense Tracker. What's pleasant about this component is you get both an aggregate dollar measure of unbilled Expenses and Time and also the number of clients with unbilled Expenses and Time. When you see it monetized, that may help you invoice quicker! An element we’ve preferred about Premier is seeing all our unbilled expenses and income at one spot; however, it doesn't have aggregates, which the tracker does. If you are confused about this feature, access QuickBooks Help or call our QuickBooks Customer Support Team for assistance.

Better cautions for billable expenses and time

One of our objections in the past was that in case you had billable expenses and/or time and utilized QuickBooks Pro, you needed to tap on every kind of expense to check whether anything was there. At present, you can, without much of a stretch, tell which type of expenses you have to invoice - you not only have a prompter that tells you that you have a billable expense, but, you know how many of these billable expenses are there as well. Still struggling to understand this feature; call our QuickBooks Technical Support Number for guidance.

Reporting made easier to understand with just 3 changes.

1. Changing has become less complex with the expansion of a search box (for display and filter columns.) Now you have filters in a sequential alphabetical order (better believe it!)

2. Background color and shading and flat lines make it simpler to read huge reports.

3. You can now make remarks right on the report - essentially tap the comment button and select where you need to make a comment!

4. In the Reminders segment’s redesign, Notifications and Reminders are grouped by ‘upcoming and ‘today.’

5. Keep the "pin" note in view.

Ending the QuickBooks session of a Workstation

Ever had employees sign into QuickBooks and after that leave their session open and now you can't get into the single client mode? With this new feature, you can sign in as the executive and end that individual's session; this is done through the “QuickBooks Messenger Window”. Utilize it warily as it won't save or store a transaction that was being made/altered and not complete.

Adding MPN

Include Manufacturer's Part Number or MPN to a Sales transaction or Purchase order is now possible – believe it! This is one feature that should have been added earlier for the individuals who utilize MPNs.

Selecting items to Invoice from Sales Order

Previously, you had to input an amount of 0 (zero) and after that manually remove it from the invoice. Now, you can select which Items to invoice from Sales Order - Premier or Enterprise! Just click beside the item(s).

In the event that your QuickBooks 2015 version is soon to be set, we believe, you'll like a significant number of its latest upgrades. Those of you in Premier version, managing stock, may discover the Sales Order and MPN features highly beneficial and worth the upgrade.

Fill us in if you are ready to have QuickBooks 2015 installed soon, if you haven’t done as yet - we stay current of the advancements, and can make arrangements to have this version ready for you. Our team available via QuickBooks Technical Support Number USA is skilled and can offer guidance and give proposals to introducing and upgrading your current QuickBooks Support System with the 2015 version.

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